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Welcome to Altona Meadows Primary School, 


My name is Sophie, and I am the School Council President at AMPS. I began my time on School Council back in 2019 when my eldest son started prep and was elected to the position of School Council President in 2020. 


  It has been a wonderful experience to work closely with our amazing school community to develop and plan the direction of our school with an emphasis on making AMPS the best it can be for our little people.  


I would highly recommend School Council to anyone who is interested in being more involved, it is a great way to learn about how schools operate and is also a great way to meet new people and build relationships within the community. 


I am always eager for feedback from our parent community and would love to hear any suggestions or ideas you may have, if you see me out in the yard, please feel free to come up and have a chat anytime. 


Sophie Angus, 

School Council President 

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